Author Archives: nancyviau
As a children’s book author, you may expect that I read tons of children’s books during the summer. But guess what? I use the summer to catch up on all sorts of books–romance novels, “beach” reads, mysteries, biographies, as well … Continue reading
Kiddos, Keep reading! Sign up for the Summer Reading Program sponsored by your local public library. It’s free, and prizes are awarded for readers who reach their goals. The theme this year is EVERY HERO HAS A STORY. Pretty cool, … Continue reading
Librarians and Booklovers!
I hope to see you at the PA School Librarians Conference on Friday, May 1 (Hershey, PA) where I’ll be hosting a panel of terrific picture book, middle grade, and young adult authors. Our presentation will take you on an … Continue reading
Earth Day is April 22nd
Earth may be just a planet, but it’s our home, so let’s care for it! I’m part of a very informative and awesome festival a few days after Earth Day. It’s the Sustainable Cherry Hill Earth Festival held at Croft … Continue reading
Two friends are celebrating SPRING with me–this cheery owl from LOOK WHAT I CAN DO! and my favorite pet bunny, Vannie. HAPPY EASTER!
School Visit Fun
I’m counting down the days until March 2nd, READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY, and March 4th, WORLD READ ALOUD DAY, are you? On March 2, I’ll be visiting a second grade in New Jersey where we will “Seuss it up” big … Continue reading
What’s newsworthy today? Brrrr, it’s cold!! If you live in a place (like I do) where winter is in full swing, don’t worry! The snow, the ice, and the mess will all be gone soon enough. So kiddos and grown-ups, … Continue reading