General Info

collageFor information on rates, please Contact me.

For a partial list of PreK/K-6 schools where I have had the privilege of presenting assembly programs or writing workshops, follow this link: Schools1. 

I promise to work with you to bring you the best stress-free program possible—one that fits into your budget, introduces your students to an author’s life, explores the writing process, and makes everyone smile!


This full-day visit includes three (sometimes four) presentations combined by grade. A half-day program is also available. Travel expense may apply (mileage, hotel, meals, etc.); however, if I can visit another school in the area, the day before or the following day, both schools will receive a discount.

I also enjoy speaking and reading to children who are home-schooled, book club members, library patrons, preschoolers, Girl/Boy Scouts, non-profit groups, and more. If within a reasonable distance, I don’t charge a fee, but ask that my books be available for sale.

Four to six weeks before my visit:
* My invoice is signed and a copy is sent to me. Honorarium is due the day of my visit.

* Teachers prepare students for my visit by talking about my books, viewing this website, writing down questions to ask me, or checking out the activities, lessons, and crafts under Teacher Guides.

* It’s also great fun to hold a door decorating contest, essay contest, or      poster contest to get the kids excited for my visit. The winners can have lunch with me or receive an extra visit to their classroom for a Q and A session.

* Perhaps a bulletin board can be created to announce my visit. I’ll email you a file with photos and text and drop some swag in the mail.

* The book order form I have provided is completed and circulated.

Three weeks before:
* Students hand in book order forms and the total number of books ordered is sent to me or a bookseller.

On the day of my visit, I provide
* a laptop.
* a LCD projector.
* extension cords.
* all instructional materials.
* extra copies of books.

I need a
* media cart or table.
* second table for props.
* large screen or white wall.
* flip chart or dry erase board, and markers.
* microphone, if necessary.
* speakers to connect to my laptop.
* staff member or tech person on hand.
* bottle or glass of water. (Lunch is also nice. I eat anything!)

Students in the upper elementary grades may be asked to bring a
* pencil or pen.
* writing journal or paper.

~~For program information, click on School Visits.

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